Examen Prayer*
The Daily Examen is a technique of prayer that is focused on reflection. Otherwise known as ‘rummaging through the day’, it is a way of giving the day back to God and an attempt to discern where God was at work within each day.
Take some time and allow yourself to become quiet and still - separate from the usual busyness of the day. As each thought arises, simply lay it down before God and invite the Holy Spirit to guide you in this time.
Actively remember the day’s events.
After you’ve read the passage and sought to better understand it using the above questions, the next step is to reflect. This is an opportunity to focus on how God’s word is challenging and speaking to you. Choose one or two verses from your reading and reflect on the following:
Where did God feel particularly present?
Resolve to live differently tomorrow, if need be. Living each day to and for God’s glory.
Additional questions you could ask
Where have I been true to Christ today? Where have I missed being true to Christ today?
Where have I been kind to people today? Where have I missed being kind?
Where have I had the opportunity to share the gospel today? Where did I miss an opportunity to share?
Book of Common Prayer evening Collect
Grant, we beseech thee, merciful Lord, to thy faithful people pardon and peace, that they may be cleansed from all their sins, and serve thee with a quiet mind; through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
St Aldate’s, Rule of Life: The Handbook, 31.
Up next
A.C.T.S Prayer