Devotional Reading
With your Bible open and in reliance on the Holy Spirit, work through the following steps.
Find a quiet place and comfy place. Bring your Bible (paper strongly recommended!) and if desired a pen and notepad. Then spend a few minutes in unhurried and still prayer to God, as each thought arises capture it and lay it down before Him. Invite the Holy Spirit to help you as you in this time.
Begin by reading a short Bible passage such as a Psalm, or a paragraph once or twice. As you read, mark any words or phrases that strike you as important or personally meaningful. Then ask these questions: what do I learn from this passage...
About the person and work of God? Pay special attention to how Jesus as saviour is revealed in the passage.
About myself? About my community?
About the big story of the Bible? (The fallenness of humanity? The cross? Grace? God’s new creation?)
About how I should live? E.g., are there any examples to follow, commands to obey, promises to trust?
After you’ve read the passage and sought to better understand it using the above questions, the next step is to reflect. This is an opportunity to focus on how God’s word is challenging and speaking to you. Choose one or two verses from your reading and reflect on the following:
Teaching: What is the basic truth this passage conveys?
Adoration: How can I adore God based on that truth?
Confession: What wrong thoughts, feelings, or behaviours arise when I forget this truth?
Thanks: How is Jesus the ultimate revelation of this truth and/or the ultimate answer to this sin?
Supplication: What do I need from God if I am to live in and live out this truth in my life?
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Divine Reading