Divine Reading
(Lectio Divina)
20/30 mins
Lectio Divina is a Latin term that translates as ‘Divine Reading’, and it is a purposeful and contemplative way of engaging with the Bible. Dating back to the early centuries of the Christian Church, it is a way of praying through the Scriptures, helping you to slow down and savour God’s word. The practice of Lectio Divina incorporates four primary steps.
5 mins
Read a small portion of Scripture - a paragraph, a Psalm, at most a chapter.
5 mins
Consider what you have just read: are there any phrases or words that stand out to you? Try and imagine yourself there, in the drama of the text. Which parts are challenging to understand?
5 mins
Continue communion with the Living Word by praying aloud in response to the Scripture you have read.
5 mins
Finally, spend time gathering your thoughts and prayers, letting the word of God dwell within. This is a silent prayer expressing your love for God. It is both active and passive communion with God.
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Prayerful Reading